WiFi and Wireless Network Management
To ensure business continuity and access to data/IT systems in an organisation is among the top priority jobs of in-house IT teams. Today’s employees use a smartphone, tablet, computer, let alone their private devices, to perform work. They often use all these devices to access the local Wi-Fi while in the office. Production facilities and warehouses operated by production or logistics companies are operated using ERP systems that handle business processes. Now, image the impact on business if corporate users could not access their applications, e-mail, calendar with meetings, or connect a QR code reader with the ERP system. In order to get ready for such challenges, it is necessary to create access points to the corporate network and the Internet.
Developing a corporate wireless network requires a detailed design and should follow some basic guidelines:
- To ensure the proper placement of access points based on the site layout and design and the needs of the organisation
- To simulate wireless network signal strength and reach throughout the site based on the design or measurement of the relevant parameters; to make adjustments to access point distribution when the site/room structure is ready
- To plan access point parameters
- To draw up draft Wi-Fi network security policies
- To measure the transmission speed when the site structure is ready

Selection of the most desirable solution should be optimised cost- and system functionality-wise. The solution should meet all requirements related to the security and continuity of services. An important element is the ability to manage the entire Wi-Fi network globally while being able to identify threats and disturbances. Connection and service redundancy is no less important. It is also advisable for the newly created network to integrate with data and user security systems as much as possible.
Key Functions
- Identification, monitoring and isolation of unauthorised access points
- Identification of attempts of unauthorized access to the wireless network and tracking attack vectors
- Monitoring of sources of radio signal interference
- Continuous monitoring of wireless network parameters and performance; reporting failures or threats
- Central configuration of access point parameters
- Implementation of an access policy for individual devices and users
- What is the cost of an hour’s break in the functioning of your company?
- Are you able to monitor and manage all elements of your corporate network with a single tool?
- Do you staff have access to the network wherever it is beneficial for them?